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My Protege is a flagship program of Gradyoumate, wherein we seek to cover some/all expenditures incurred by a law student for an internship during their undergraduate law degree program. (Of course, we are not talking about remote/online internships)


How it works

Are you a law student who is unable to meet their internship expenditure (“IE") in a  different city, say Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai, or any other place in India?


For example, if you have secured an internship in Mumbai, where accommodation costs are most likely to cost you a bomb, then, Gradyoumate will cover the accommodation cost for you. In some cases, we may choose and be able to cover accommodation, travel, and other costs that you will incur as part of the internship as well, depending on your existing financial capabilities, the internship opportunity, and the academic background of the student.

However, as our mate, we would love it if you could also help us expand the reach of this initiative and get the word out. Therefore, after Gradyoumate has helped you, we would love it if you could also give back to the legal community through :


1. Intern Speak – Share with us your internship experience so that others choosing to apply at similar organisations can make informed choices.


2. GYM Blawg – Contribute an article (500-1000 words)/ an infographic on any area of law or one video (2 to 5 min) explaining a law, judgment, or any other issue within the legal domain.


Why Internship?

My Protege is about going beyond the regular classroom training and gaining practical exposure through internships with a law firm that you always wanted or that advocate whose arguments inspired you from the 1st year or a reputed NGO, whose work would guarantee you personal satisfaction. In order to achieve any of those, one needs to step out of their classroom and experience it first-hand. Law schools in India are one of the few educational institutions that encourage students to undertake internships from the 1st year itself. Gradyoumate is certain that an internship is most likely to contribute in shaping a future lawyer’s career.

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